
The Best School Holiday

Marlborough College’s Summer School is a magical place where you can reconnect with family and friends while learning and having fun.

After so much time spent apart over the past two years, many of us are eager to make plans to see our friends and families again. Holidaying together is a great opportunity to reunite for some much-needed quality time and build more all-important happy memories. However, balancing the needs of a broad range of ages and interests can present a number of challenges, and this is where Marlborough College Summer School believes it offers an ideal solution.

First started in 1974, the phrase ‘something for everyone’ undoubtedly underpins the Wiltshire Summer School’s enduring popularity. From 10 July to 6 August 2022, Marlborough College will host an amazing array of more than 500 courses suitable for all ages, abilities and interests.

Some courses run for five full days, but most run over five half-days. This gives you the opportunity to enjoy up to two different courses each week – which is just as well considering how many brilliant courses you can choose from! Adult choices cover everything from Bridge, Qigong, Jewellery-making, Floristry, Calligraphy and Weaving to Modernist Literature, Sustainability, Astronomy, Politics and Classical Music.

As grown-ups enjoy their own courses, they can rest assured that their children are being entertained and well cared for nearby. Junior Troopers (three to six years) and Children’s Activities (six to nine years) adopt a multi-activity approach, with art and crafts, music and outdoor adventures. Older children and teenagers can choose a course such as Sailing, Summer School Musical, Drum Club, Robotics and Coding, Big Art, Crime Scene Detectives or Teen Apprentice!

You can attend Summer School as a day student or make your experience truly immersive and stay throughout. The college offers flexible accommodation options, and its talented chefs serve a wide selection of delicious meals, avoiding any potential arguments over whose turn it is to cook or which restaurant to go to!

Evenings can be spent together enjoying a variety of entertainment, including films, lectures and live music. Alternatively, parents and grandparents can take advantage of the Five O’Clock Club and babysitting services.

As one regular guest explains: ‘Summer School is a wonderful holiday to enjoy on your own or with a friend, and is made all the better because of the wide range of ages present, from children to 90-year-olds, all of whom are obviously enjoying themselves.’

For more information or to request a brochure, call the team on 01672 892388 or visit