Don't feed your dog these foods

Dog food specialists from have found 11 dangerous snacks and ingredients which could cause chaos for our four legged friends' and explain why they should be kept out of reach.

11 Human Foods that are Dangerous to Dogs

Cheese, onions, and nuts are among the potentially harmful human foods that should never be fed to dogs, according to experts.

Dog food specialists from have revealed the snacks and ingredients that could prove dangerous if eaten by a dog and explained why each should be kept out of four legged friends’ reach.

Some human food could cause health problems in dogs which can range from toilet issues and vomiting to heart disease, liver failure and even death, depending on the contents.

Many Brits know not to give their pet dog chocolate, but other foods to avoid include tea, garlic, and grapes.

A spokesperson for said: “Many pet owners like to give their dog leftovers, a chance to lick their plate, or a bit of human food as a treat every so often.

“But many of our favourite snacks can have dangerous consequences for our four-legged friends, due to some of the chemicals and ingredients they contain.

“To help dog lovers avoid causing harm to pups and canines, we’ve revealed twelve things they shouldn’t be allowed to eat and why.”

If your dog starts to display symptoms of eating something they shouldn’t have, visit the Pure Pet Food Health Hub for advice and further information or consult your local veterinarian.

1.  Chocolate

This is the one human food most Brits know dogs shouldn’t consume and dark chocolate is even worse than the milkier variety.

It’s because chocolate contains methylxanthines and theobromine which could mess up a canine’s insides by causing vomiting, diarrhoea and excessive urination, panting and thirst, an abnormal heartbeat, seizures or even death.

2.  Alcohol

Alcohol can have similar effects to chocolate and also cause abnormal blood acidity, central nervous system depression, decreased coordination or even coma in dogs.

Pets should never be allowed to consume any products containing toxic alcohol and a vet needs to be contacted urgently if you think they may have ingested some.

3.  Grapes and raisins

Scientists have been unable to identify the toxic substance contained in grapes and raisins, but it’s known they could cause kidney failure and shouldn’t be fed to dogs.

4.  Cheese

High fat, high calorie food can be bad for pets if eaten excessively by causing weight gain, which can lead to lots of other health problems.

Most cheeses are also very salty, meaning eating too much could eventually bring on heart disease or stroke in your dog.

5.  Onion

Chemicals in onions can cause dogs’ red blood cells to rupture or reduce how effectively they can carry oxygen around their body, whether the vegetable is cooked or raw.

6.  Ready meals

Excessive salt can harm dogs just like humans. It could cause increased thirst, raise blood pressure, or even sodium ion poisoning in pets, so it’s best not to let them lick your plate after you’ve had a ready meal or other high salt foods like crisps and processed snacks.

7.  Nuts

Almonds, cashews, pecans, pistachios and other nuts are packed full of fats and oils that could lead to diarrhoea, vomiting and pancreatitis in dogs.

Macadamias meanwhile can cause a range of other problems in pets too, including weakness, tremors, depression and even hyperthermia.

8.  Xylitol

Used as a sweetener in a range of products including chewing gum, toothpaste and baked desserts, xylitol can cause insulin release in dogs and potentially lead to liver failure. If you are brushing your dog’s teeth make sure you use dog friendly toothpaste.

9.  Tea and Coffee

A tiny sip or two is unlikely to do major damage but drinking much of a morning cuppa could be life-threatening for dogs so it’s best to keep your pet away from hot beverages.

Caffeine could be very harmful to your dog as it’s a methylxanthine, like the chemicals found in chocolate.

10.  Garlic

Like onions, garlic contains chemicals that can damage red blood cells and negatively affect dogs’ overall health, raw or cooked.

11.  Olive oil

Like most oils, olive oil is high in both fat and calories and could therefore cause harmful weight gain in dogs if lots is given to them over time.

It may also cause digestive problems for pets and lead to vomiting or diarrhoea if consumed in excessive amounts.