
Dear Animal Lover: Make a difference to animals' lives

A s someone who cares about animals, we would like to appeal to you. UFAW is an animal welfare charity but one with a difference. We help millions of animals around the world, from pets to wildlife and farm animals, and have done so since 1926.

Why is UFAW’s work important?

It is widely accepted that many animals have the capacity to feel pain and to experience suffering. Animal welfare is about more than ensuring good health. It’s also about the quality of animals’ lives – their feelings. Discovering, and then sharing, the knowledge unlocked by science is key to advancing animal welfare. It’s a huge challenge – and that’s why we need your help.

How your support makes a difference

  • Just £3 a month could help us to provide educational materials to improve animal welfare in developing countries.
  • Giving £10 a month could help us to progress our outreach work to help animals around the world.
  • A £20 donation will help us to fund initiatives like the garden wildlife health project.
  • While £50 helps us to fund projects such as our research into lifetime indicators of animal welfare.

Quite simply, we need your help to continue to be a significant force in advancing mankind’s knowledge of animal welfare – there’s a lot to do and we can’t do it alone. As a charity, we rely on voluntary donations and new members in order to continue.

Over the years, UFAW has successfully campaigned to abolish the use of the gin trap (a mechanical device designed to catch an animal by the leg or head using  spring-operated jaws), funded the  first programme of research into environmental enrichment for zoo animals and supported work into the effect of confined conditions in long-stay kennels on dogs. More recently, it has developed an online genetic welfare problems database for people thinking of getting a pet, supported a project to improve the health of our garden wildlife and funded research to improve animal welfare husbandry. UFAW helps to educate tomorrow’s animal welfare advocates by promoting and supporting education in animal welfare in a variety of ways. We also bring together veterinarians, animal care staff and others involved in animal care to share knowledge and best practice to drive forward advances in animal welfare.

Here’s what you can do…

Please help us to continue our vital work by sending a donation or becoming a member – you can make a difference. To make a donation, call 01582-831818 or go online at donations/make-a-donation. Thank you.